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Ruchit Nagar: "Unlocking Precision Public Health in Rajasthan, India"

Public health in India is undergoing a digital transformation. Community health workers, newly equipped with smartphones, are now reporting beneficiary-level data with village level granularity, in real-time. This talk will explore how Khushi Baby, the technical support partner to the Department of Health in Rajasthan, India, and collaborators, are using this new big data, from over 70K community health workers, to drive insights at the beneficiary, health-worker, and community level.

Ruchit Nagar

Youtube Video: Link


Ruchit Nagar, MD, MPH is a combined internal medicine and pediatrics resident at Yale. He is also the co-founder and CEO at Khushi Baby, a digital health non-profit working as the technical support partner to the Department of Health of India's largest state, Rajasthan. Ruchit trained at Harvard and Yale for his medical and public health degrees respectively. He's been recognized as a Forbes 30under30 leader in healthcare and distinguished young alumnus at the Yale School of Public Health. His interests include critical care, health systems change, impact evaluation, and machine learning for global health.

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