Panel Discussion: Developing and Managing Interdisciplinary Collaborators

The EAAMO Faculty Network team hosted a panel discussion titled "Developing and Managing Interdisciplinary Collaborators." This event was designed for junior faculty who are interested in exploring interdisciplinary collaborations or improving their management of existing partnerships.

The "Developing and Managing Interdisciplinary Collaborators" panel hosted by Faidra Monahou, Nikhil Garg, Woojin Jung, David Rea, and Tom Hartvigsen was an outstanding event, bringing together a diverse group of attendees more than willing to explore the synergies between academia and the nonprofit sector. The discussions led by panelists Joshua Blumenstock (UC Berkeley), Sean Hudson (412 Food Rescue), and Phebe Vayanos (University of Southern California) were inspiring, offering practical strategies for forging meaningful connections and partnerships. Attendees were particularly engaged in conversations about the best practices for creating impactful collaborations, with many noting the importance of clear communication and shared goals. The panel, we believe, successfully fostered an environment of learning and networking, leaving participants with an enthusiasm for interdisciplinary work and actionable advices to apply in their own academic and industry paths.

If you are a junior faculty member and willing to hear more about events like this, please consider joining our community by filling out our form.




Interview with Dan Sutch